It is difficult to be around co-workers who may not seem to understand your loss and grief. Don’t be surprised if grieving affects your work habits. Staying focused on your work may not be easy. Remember that grief is powerful. Bring that need to God in prayer and share your need with others so they can begin praying for you and give you the support you need. If you must continue working, these are some tips to consider. Explain the situation to your manager and at least one sympathetic co-worker. Don’t wait for others to speak of your loss. When you are comfortable, address them yourself as they may be hesitant to talk to you. Realize they may fear upsetting you. Expect to feel waves of emotion while at work. Use your lunch hour or break to address your needs. Consider using your Employee Assistance Program, if your company has one, or find a counselor to talk to. If you have the opportunity, consider taking a leave of absence so that you can take some needed time to find healing from your loss.
Questions & Comments
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