Choose to be Thankful

1 Chronicles 16:34

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.


This verse in the Bible does not say everything we go through is good. Those who are suffering from chronic illness, grieving the loss of a loved one or those experiencing personal losses will admit that suffering does not feel good. What the verse says is that God is good and His love endures forever. Can we give thanks because of who God is and for His love that never ends? Can we focus on what we do have even in the midst of our suffering and give thanks? That is not always easy but giving thanks is powerful and actually brings healing. I remember, as a child when moments were difficult, I learned to give thanks to God even if I did not feel like it. Taking the first step to find something to be thankful was the hardest, but once I focused on God himself I was able to move beyond my circumstances. My favorite Psalm at that time in my life was Psalm 100. Take time to read it. In verse 5 it also mentions that the Lord is good and His love endures forever but it goes on to say His faithfulness continues through all generations. So, this Thanksgiving you do have a choice.  Join me today in giving thanks to the Lord for He is good, and for His love and faithfulness that endures forever.

Questions & Comments

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