It has almost been a week since I intentionally pulled away from my schedule at home as well as with the responsibilities at the Spiritual Care Support Center. I turned off the voices that I have learned to love and care about. It was time for me to find my sacred chair in my sacred space and be with Him. No one else, just the two of us! It was different than I had experienced before but it was just what God wanted for me. Our time together was filled with dialog. I trusted Him and felt the safety of His love. What a feeling! We talked back and forth to each other all week and through His sacred Word the Holy Spirit revealed to me truth about myself and who He was to me. He was working all things out according to His plan. He reminded me that He is there for the broken, the hopeless and the abandoned and to have a part in helping people heal was a privilege. We are an extension of Him, but He alone is the healer of broken hearts. With no interruptions each day, the Holy Spirit reminded me how to hear God’s voice. There were times of silence. “Be still and know that I am God” He whispered to me several times. It is never easy to just wait but so worth it. This was not a week for me to hand to Him my prayer concerns but a week to get to know Him better and to spend time with Him. What sweet communion, how refreshed I feel. Today He revealed Himself through the beauty of a butterfly that was magnificent in color, through the sun that warmed my face, the beauty of new life springing forth from the ground, and the flowers that I planted in my flowerpots. It was a reminder that He is the creator of all things. It all began with Him. I am never the same when I have a week to sit quietly and enjoy His presence. No disturbances, just sitting in the presence of the One who loves me unconditionally with no schedule. I have only one day left of my “silent retreat” and it will be a day of Praise and Thanksgiving to God for He is Worthy of my Praise!
Questions & Comments
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please feel free to call me at 540-349-5814 or email me at