Valentine’s Day will soon be here and many are looking for love in all the wrong places. When I was eleven years old at the Evangelical Free Church in Brooklyn, New York, Jim Vaus came to speak at the church. He shared about the Love of God and God’s willingness to be part of our lives on a daily basis. He shared that God had His Son, Jesus Christ, go to the cross for my sins and that He would have done it just for me moved me deeply. He shared scriptures about Heaven and that through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us, we have the promise of going to Heaven when we die! Jim Vaus spoke about having someone who you could trust in and that you would never be alone. As a very young child, I felt very alone, as I saw what sin did to families and individuals when decisions were made out of selfish desires. It was hard to believe that anyone could love me. I had a lot of trust issues. However, on that day so long ago, I decided to make a decision that was a defining moment for me. I said I was going to trust the Bible and believe that what I was reading and hearing was true. I asked Jesus to take control of my life. I repented of my sins, acknowledged who Jesus was and what He had done for me. I then asked Him to be my companion on the journey of life. It was the best decision I ever made. Life did not get easier, as I had, and continue to have, struggles along the way. However, I have never doubted the love of Jesus Christ. He has always been by my side. He can be trusted even though the circumstances around me may be difficult, for He is faithful. This Valentine’s Day choose the love that will last forever and on into eternity. In Psalm 23:6, we read; “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.”
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