Gifts of the Heart

Christmas for you may not be the same, but I believe God can help you and it can be meaningful. This Christmas, decide to give gifts to those around you that do not cost money but are “gifts of the heart.”  Christmas is a time of giving. God gave his son Jesus to be born at Christmastime. His son represented unconditional love that he would have for all mankind as Jesus would eventually take all of our sins and die on a cross.  He lived on earth and in those years he gave different gifts to those around him. Perhaps you could pass along those same gifts to your family, friends, or co-workers. It takes a decision to think of others and that is not always easy when you, yourself, are struggling with challenges in your life. However, as you give to others you may find the joy and peace that you have been searching for. Let me suggest some gifts to you that Jesus himself demonstrated throughout his life.

The gift of prayer.  He taught people how to pray and that is why so many people recite “The Lord’s Prayer.”  We find comfort in that prayer.

The gift of patience and the gift of actively listening to someone who needs to share their story.

The gift of understanding why people do what they do.

The gift of being present with those who are grieving.

The gift of tears that Jesus demonstrated to Mary and Martha when Lazarus died.

The gift of “ministry of presence” to those who are ill, which means the gift of sacrifice as you give your time.

Finally, offering the gift of love and forgiveness to those you know have hurt you.

Just these few gifts given to others will bring meaning to your Christmas. May the presence of God be felt as you step out in faith to bring the gifts of the heart that people long to receive. I am praying for you.  Have a Blessed Christmas.

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