The sun, the breeze, and the smell of freshly cut grass surrounds me as I sit in my gazebo. The trees are bursting forth with new growth. Since Arvid and I have been going through some personal trials these past months, someone asked me recently how I deal with all that is happening and not get discouraged. I had no hesitation—the answer came quickly. I remember! I have moments of discouragement as we all do, being that we are human beings. God created that emotion in us, so I believe there will be times when that emotion will be manifested, but I remember what God has done for me, personally, as well as for Spiritual Care Support Ministries.
In Psalm 145:4 the scripture says that the next generation commends your work to another; they tell of your mighty act. I have experienced the living and active work of God in my life in so many ways during my childhood, my teen years, and my adult life.
The enemy of our soul does not want us to remember. He does not want us to remember anything good during the Covid 19 pandemic. I choose to remember what God has done. We have that choice. I remember His love for me and His care during the very challenging times of my life. I remember His patience with me when I did not get what I prayed for and I complained. I remember when He specifically answered my prayers. I remember when I was abandoned, rejected, and lonely, and He met my needs. I remember!
Take time today to remember some of the very challenging times when God brought you through—when you knew it was God alone that got you through them.
As we remember what God has done or provided, that should give you the faith to trust God for the moment you are in right now and for your future.
Remembering what He has done makes all the difference.