Is it really possible to feel peace in the midst of the storms of life? People everywhere are searching for peace. They need power to cope with the storms in their lives. I do believe it is possible to have that peace. Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek Continue Reading >>
Author Archives: Liz Danielsen
Have You Had Your Eyes Checked?
What are you getting used to having that you don’t appreciate anymore? There are so many things that surround us that we don’t appreciate until they are taken away from us. How about your family, friends, job, your community of faith, your community that you live in and the services it provides, and the beauty Continue Reading >>
Caregiving with Respect
Have you ever cared for and loved a person who was ill? No matter how much you try to make it right for them or put a plan in motion so that they will be cared for, they reject it all. It is hard to explain the emotions that you feel. There is sadness, frustration, Continue Reading >>
My Prayer For Those Bruised And Crushed In Spirit From Loss
Heavenly Father, you who value every human life. You will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help (Psalm 72:12). They are precious in your sight. I thank you Lord that you heal the brokenhearted. You know where they are at this very moment as you know all things. Continue Reading >>
First Steps in the New Year
We won’t know what the year 2019 will bring to our lives but at Spiritual Care Support Ministries we know who does. God knows exactly what is going to happen. I encourage you to start the year asking God to give you wisdom and discernment in all decisions that you make. When you are hedged Continue Reading >>
A Christmas Gift For Everyone
Everyone at Spiritual Care Support Ministries looks forward to 2019 and all that God will do for His glory as healing occurs in the lives of those who come to us for ministry. God has been showing us that He is the God of the miraculous. God’s power can break through improbable situations. In addition, Continue Reading >>
Choose to be Thankful
1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. This verse in the Bible does not say everything we go through is good. Those who are suffering from chronic illness, grieving the loss of a loved one or those experiencing personal losses will admit that suffering does Continue Reading >>
How to Create and Follow a Prayer List
Years ago, while struggling with prayer, God led me to a way that I could pray more effectively and I would like to share this with you. Prayer allows you to deepen your relationship with God which can improve your overall spiritual growth. Although God already understands us before we utter a word of prayer, Continue Reading >>
Can We Trust God?
Sometimes, without giving any consideration to their spiritual maturity, we advise our friends or family to “just trust God.” The truth is that confidence in our Father is not automatic. It doesn’t just happen the moment you realize that God loves you so much that he sent His Son Jesus to come to earth and Continue Reading >>
Being Transformed as We Grow Older
Spiritual Care Support Ministries speaks to all ages, but especially the elderly. God loves not only healthy people, but the sick as well. He is there to support you and transform your lives. Even if you have cancer or Crohn’s disease, even if your loved one has died, God is there to sustain you through Continue Reading >>
Early Morning Hours
I love the early morning hours before the hectic pace of the day begins. I sit out in my gazebo and listen to the birds sing. I watch all kinds of different types of birds feasting from our bird feeder. It’s almost like they know I am here and want to say to me, “Good Continue Reading >>
Water your plants, and let God water you.
It is morning and everything looks so green. The flowers in my flower pots are asking for water so I need to water them. There is a lot to be done this morning before I head off to the SCSM Center but my physical body does not want to cooperate. Can anyone out there relate Continue Reading >>
African Violets
Have you ever really looked at an African violet plant? I have one on my kitchen table that I bought three years ago at a local grocery store. the African violet that I have, when it is in bloom, has five pedals with four yellow stamens in the center. They have delicate leaves, very different Continue Reading >>
Waiting on Spring
I was driving home from the Giant food store to pick up medicine for my husband Arvid the other day. It was raining, cold and grey outside. It was supposed to be Spring with warmer temperatures and flowers and trees bursting with new life. Someone told me that it was the coldest weather we have Continue Reading >>
How Bereaved Parents Can Cope
The death of a child at any age, under any circumstance, is indeed the toughest experience a parent could face. The grief is all-consuming, and it can be difficult to live your everyday life. There is no right way to grieve, but there are some things that may help you to cope. Find a support Continue Reading >>