I’m a pastor who believes that my calling is not simply to minister to hurting people but also to equip people to minister as well. When the opportunity came to have Chaplain Liz Danielsen come to help with this “equipping”, I was delighted. Chaplain Liz shares very real-world, rubber-meets-the-road strategies for dealing with grief. I found that several of my church members not only learned to deal with the grief of others, they also gained the tools necessary to deal with long-standing grief issues of their own. Her Powerpoint slides were well organized, easy to understand, and helpful. Her presentations were engaging, energetic, interactive and never seemed to drag. The acid test as to how successful her 4-week session was is this: We had the same number of people attending the first session as we did the last. There was no attrition at all. People grasped the value of what she brought to the table.I would give my whole-hearted recommendation to any church or group considering hosting Chaplain Liz Danielsen as a speaker or teacher.
Questions & Comments
If you would like to ask questions or have comments regarding this blog post,
please feel free to call me at 540-349-5814 or email me at chaplainliz@scsm.tv