
1 Chronicles 16:34 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever.” During this week of Thanksgiving, we thank the Lord for His amazing power and work in our lives, for His goodness, His many blessings, and for His great love and care. We thank Him for food and remember those Continue Reading >>

Being Thankful

Thanking the Lord for His  many blessings in spite of what is happening around me. “Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever. “ 1 Chronicles 16:34 This Thanksgiving I am Thankful  for God’s  love. Thankful for God’s grace. Thankful because God is always good even though my circumstances are not good. Thankful that I can have Continue Reading >>

Do you remember?

The sun, the breeze, and the smell of freshly cut grass surrounds me as I sit in my gazebo.  The trees are bursting forth with new growth. Since Arvid and I have been going through some personal trials these past months, someone asked me recently how I deal with all that is happening and not Continue Reading >>

Easter’s Light

In the midst of the Coronavirus and all the changes we’ve had to make in our lives, there have been many losses to work through each day. Loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, cancellations of high school proms and graduations, loss of gathering together at faith communities, loss of control, loss of physical contact, Continue Reading >>